Thursday, June 6, 2013

We got up this morning to pack and move on to a new location.  I thought it would be fun to look back to the beginning of our Pennsylvania stay.  The top pic is the first day of our stay and the cornfields as you come into the park.

I took this two pix on the way out today.  That corn loves the heat of the day and night and the rains that we got while here.  

The trees across the way when we arrived......

 and this is today and how they have filled out.

Then we saw the geese growing.  But we must not forget the other birds that were eggs when we got here.  I saw the robins for the first time out of the nest as we were packing up. 

  We also saw a pair of far.

  One of our camping neighbors went to the nearby Susquehanna River and pulled all this drift wood out.  He says he will clean it up with sand blasting and sell it for yard art.  Some of the pieces are very interesting. 

   I mentioned before that Laura brought her two cats.  The cats and dogs get along great, by the way.  This is Neo and he is playing the guitar.  Really.  He would reach out with his claw and pluck a string, wait and listen and pluck a string.  He did not "play" a long tune, but he did an encore for us during the middle of the night.  LOL

Neo has done some exploring in the motor home too,  At one point he disappeared!!!!  Of course this is at night just after we all have gone to bed.  So up we get to find him.   He wears a collar with a bell on it, originally the bell was to scare the birds away so they would not be eaten.  This time the bell was used to find him.  So finally we located him behind the unit that houses the refrigerator and the duct works for the furnace.  He could not get out of his hide away so Laura had to open up the area to get him out ...

.and Rog had to fix it.  
  We are in New York now.  I just put the state sticker on my map!!!  We are planning on staying close to home tomorrow because of the Tropical Storm heading up the coast.  We may go and visit some breweries and such.

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