Sunday, September 30, 2012


Forgot to ask if Sally has named this guy or not.  It is a wonderful piece of art.
Sally and her new toy.  She drives this up into the back of her Jeep and way she goes.  She just got this on her last trip. 
Rog and I are out for a spin.
The last toy was not big enough I guess.  So out we go for another spin.
Notice that I am the one looking forward watching the road and I am the one holding on for dear life.  I know what to expect on the road with Sally because I have been in the car she drove up to Eureka Springs.  LOL  It's a long story.
Rog and I are out for a spin and so far I am not holding on for dear life, but then again he has not started the engine yet either.
Journey over and off we drive into the sunset...can't be, it is noon, it sounds good though. 

Sally had a wonderful evening planned for us.  We went into Branson, Mo for dinner and a show.  We ate and had drinks at Micky Gilley's restaurant and then to his show.  We found out that two years ago he was helping a friend move a love set.  He picked up one end and the friend pick up the other and they headed out the door and Micky stepped off into a flowerbed and the love seat fell on him and he woke up two days later paralyzed for the neck down.  He went into extensive therapy and is still and is able to walk and move his arms.  His balance is still off.  The doctors do not think he will ever be able to play the piano again.  He was noted for his singing and wonderful piano playing.  He put on a wonderful show!!!

Micky Gilley on stage.
He is 76 years old and still has a great voice.

Thank you Sally for a great night.  

Come on people balance and truth all of the truth.

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