Simon Like I mentioned yesterday we are at Sally's beautiful home visiting her and the six pack. I thought I would introduce you to the pack. A pic of Sally to follow, but maybe not important things first.
Yes this is the same dog.
Sammy, cute enough to rate two pics
The next few pics are of Sally's home and RV park.
Today we went to Eureka Springs, Arkansas to see the sights and eat a delicious caramel apple. Well it must have been a big bikers weekend event because we could not find a parking spot anywhere and besides we probably did not want to be out among them any way. So we did not get to eat our apple, but Sally said she would send me an email with a pic of her eating one. Yes, Sally that's the same as being there and having one of my own. Coming home on the twisty, turny road I got car sick and we had to stop. That hasn't happened to me since I was a really little kid.
This was taken outside the car window so maybe a little blurry, but just a sampling of the fun being had in town and why we did not stay long. lol
This beauty was stuck on the grill of the motor home when we got here. So pretty.
This is the underside. You can not really see in pic, but the white spots are really silver and shined in the light.
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