I got behind and have lost track of days so will just blog the pix I have in no particular order and get caught up. We are having a great time. Have gone out to eat a few more times and seen a few shows too. We had a couple of big rain storms come through here today. We did manage to get in a great hamburger feast for all of us put on by our wagon masters and the tail gunners. A few of us brought goodies too. We are heading up to St Anthony tomorrow. We will be there for 4 days. It is a couple hundred mile trip and when we get there the evening meal will be a Viking Dinner. We were also told that the wifi will be poor to none. So the blog may be on hold again for a while, but I will be taking pix and posting when I can.
Out in the North Atlantic on a tour boat. rugged coast line and rocky shores.
Sea stacks.
A sea stack is a pillar of rock that forms in the water close to a coastline. The stack is caused by the natural erosion of headlands along the coastline. The sea stack dies away and new ones keep forming with time.
Catch up pix.
The town crier and his merry band are announcing the coming of the King, King Cod that is. They are flying the Newfoundland flag.
Back in the day Cod was king in this part of the world.
This is a Newfie Screech-In Ceremony. The owner of the campground is the Town Crier bringing in the King of the land the "Cod fish", The ceremony consisted of eating Newfoundland chocolate, eating the hardtack bread of the region, drinking a shot of Screech Rum, and the best part of all kissing the King Cod himself. After completing all the above you are an honorary Newfie.
When drinking the Screech Rum were told to hold our noses and drink.
Now it is time to kiss the King. It is an old salted cod fish.
Rog has completed all tasks and is now an honorary Newfie!!! Welcome Rog.
I am an honorary Newfie.
Don is an honorary Newfie too.
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